Deja Vu: July 2014
Deja Vu: July 2014
A sense of Deja Vu is inevitable, with spectacle of opposition MPs waving newspapers in the House, shouting about an incident of force-feeding with communal overtones, reminiscent of the Partition excesses. This was in the august Maharashtra Sadan in the capital itself, host to a number of parliamentary and other official bigwigs.
What purpose did that vandalism by 'august' MPs serve? to show people how their betas conduct themselves -- set an example of how to get things done by officialdom?
The Deja Vu continues, with the ruling members perhaps forgetting that they were no longer in the Opposition and rushing into the well of the House, to the acute embarrassment of the seniors on the front bench. Since the present ruling party was noted for rushing into the well of the House in the last decade or so, to inhibit parliamentary debate and passage of innumerable bills, their own members resorting to the same now that they are the ruling party is obviously just not supposed to be done. Or is it?
As usual, the culpability is finally placed at the door of the media: that the incident flared because of media coverage; not the other way round that media coverage occurred because something untoward had happened, with vandalism by MPs, most unbecoming of their august role as leaders in a democratic society. Makes one wonder whatever happened during those much publicized "classes" that were held to introduce newly elected members to Parliamentary routines and norms? Perhaps these MPs were too senior and experienced to have attended those.
The usual tantrums were played out in the House, with demands that issues not be taken on record, empty apologies; and an attempt to use rapes as a red herring to get the errant legislators off the hook.
What purpose did that vandalism in Maharashtra Sadan achieve? except……
Now the columnists and mango people will debate over whether this incident was a warning from an important ally to the ruling party not to take it for granted or an opportunity for the ruling party to embarrass a senior ally ahead of assembly elections in Maharaashtra!!