?s around couples …..
“Palaces have a
strange virus.
They echo, quite
maliciously, the unspoken word.”
The author of a book that
recounts a unique relationship in an ancient tale in poetry format, that is
highly evocative and passionate, questing and loving, acknowledged his wife in
the writing of the long, long poem during long winter evenings.
Twenty years down the
line, the same author lives up to his bureaucratic biases to bring out learned
tomes, dry as dust on assorted suggestions for policy change. There is no mention of the wife any more. What does that hint of the relationship two
decades on?
Couples, especially long
lived ones, do evoke unspoken queries in our times with its rising sensitivity
to man-woman relationships at all levels.
Question marks often surround senior couples seen in public parks and
that eternally smiling grandma faking it?
that smirking hubbie? That quick hug,
was it for external consumption only?
An old couple raises the
thought: Which face is more lined? Is the old woman’s smooth cheek symptom of
her never having held any reins in her hands or made any decisions of her own?
that Aunty there, she’s wife of a retired big wig, may be an IAS babu … that
official style of dressing, everything matches. Her earrings not only match her
purse but also husband’s pipe!
her opposite. Bindaas Buddhi with loud prints,
skirt and horribly unfeminine but comfortable slippers, positively dressing
down. That one couldn’t care less how
she looks. Why? There can be many valid reasons
may be beyond marriageable age and actually relieved that the hunt is over and
the family off her back finally -- dress to please herself and her comfort,
rather than prospective in laws. Showing
off the wrinkles and smiles with her eyes.
may be genuinely bindaas, loves the freedom.
Or it could be a form of
rebellion from the pressure of conform, to look good. For What ? to attract a
male ? but she doesn’t want to attract any male. Can’t stand
them? Or to spite? That pressure from
her man to “ look good, don’t make me ashamed in front of the others”… Few men
want their women to stand out in the crowd.
They want that their women should look good. Bas. Other guys should envy
but not pant after their women.
Don’t Women ever dress to please women and themselves?